Christianity > The Red Pill - Opinion Piece
It’s been a while since I’ve looked into The Red Pill’s nonsense. I remember looking at it briefly after a really nasty relationship and just googling stuff out of frustration and coming across it by accident. I rejected it then and I still reject it now. It’s just as hateful and stupid as feminism is. Christianity is better.
Christianity emphasizes placing the needs of others above our own. This is totally counter to the red pill ideology.
Christianity is clear that a husband should be the head of his household and the primary decision maker of his family. It’s also clear that the woman has a major role as well in the family. The Russians have a saying: The man is the head while the woman is the neck. I find that to be the truth. Both have to work together in unison to be a good body and work.
I'm not married and haven't been as of yet but as a Christian, I am to place my wife's needs ahead of my own. I will be trying to do what's best for my wife and she'll be doing the same for me if we are both pursuing the Christian walk.
The Red Pill emphasizes much of their time defending Game and defending stupid sexual strategy theories to try and “help” their followers get on top by coming up with tactics that will make them more romantically and sexually successful with. Most of the goals are to get women and have sex. These folks mostly go against the idea of marriage and encourage being polygamous instead of monogamous.
Christianity encourages and believes in marriage which goes against Red Pill's anti-christian concepts.
The game defenses are most if not all structured – their aims, motivations, methods all anti-Christian.
There’s ample evidence to show that even though some Red Pill will claim the “not all of us” argument (which who knows there could be a random select few out there that are decent) mostly it is full of nihilistic women-hating predators. One need only read Reddit and other forums to see this is mostly the case.
Most if not all of what I find is a vapid, thin layer of traditional marriage and family comments over a swamp of "I want a woman who looks like a stripper who puts out and does dishes for me" (and occasionally, on the other side there’s women with "I have low self-esteem and wish my husband would hit me more.")
I personally detest how these folks talk about women. Women can be mean as men but they do deserve to be treated like human beings. They aren’t objects. Those men who feel that way about them aren't worth the time of day. To those men, she wants to be treated like a human being as you hopefully do. The very fact these men think it's acceptable to attack women and their feelings says a lot about them and adds to another reason this should be avoided like the plague.
The Red Pill is garbage. Mostly it’s verbal/emotional manipulation and abuse as a means of controlling another person. It is inappropriate no matter what rules or label you try to put on it. These folks have fallen victim to a woman haters club. It's a defense mechanism they’ve put up to keep from having to feel and deal with the real issues with themselves at hand.
Much of what they say is that the Red Pill is about betterment but it really isn’t. It's mostly about blaming women for your problems. It encourages dehumanizing women, sometimes subtly, other times blatantly. It promotes rape, it uses faulty science (or cherry picked science) to convince those who may not understand how to read scientific studies that what they're doing is completely fine. One only needs to get some common sense to see that this whole thing is not only antichrist but freaking dangerous. I mean I’ve read it reframe women as rodents in its stupid philosophy on Reddit before and it always dehumanizes women to its members in every description of them. No different than the man hating feminists that most of them claim to hate.
I think it’s safe to say and pardon the French that you shouldn’t justify treating anyone like shit. As much as they love to tout how their ideology is about being this emotionless future man, nearly all their ideas seem to revolve around external validation and general insecurity. The Red Pill’s advice could potentially send someone to prison.
What’s good of their advice about betterment of self is simple common sense stuff like working out, eating right, having more confidence, dressing better, making an effort to talk to strangers even if it comes across as weird or awkward, etc. Those are nice great things actually. However, those things don’t make one Red Pill or not. They are literally things anyone can use and do to better themselves. They’re not exclusive to the Red Pill.
Sexual strategy sucks and is stupid. The solution isn't to get better at it than your significant other is. The solution is agreeing with each other that you're not going to play that game. If a game will always suck for one player, and both players care about one another, they should find a better game to play.
Want a healthy, stable relationship that will be rewarding? Here's the secret. Remember your significant other is just as complex, intelligent, and vulnerable a human being as you are. She has needs just like you do and while she might place different values on her various needs, or express them differently, they're every bit just as important to her as yours are to you. Life is a war but if you want to win in it, you and your significant other need to be on the same side.
You don’t need to break your girlfriend or wife. You need to talk to them. If they're doing something that hurts you, tell them, vocalize it! Not with "I wish you’d quit that” but with "This hurts me when you do that." If they care about you, they'll take action to prevent it from happening again.
To position and strategize to get what you want out of your marriage denies you of your greatest asset: An intelligent human being that cares about you, wants to see you happy above all else, and wants to be happy alongside you. If you don’t have that you need to get to that point or get out of the relationship. Simple as that. Being single isn’t always a bad thing.
Viewing your time being single as a sexless desert is a terrible mindset to have. One should view it as a time to grow and realize who you are as a person. You need to be able to define yourself as an individual before you’re ready for a relationship.
I can understand the problems with feminism and I would reject heavy believers of that like I do the red pill folks, but no relationship works out in a healthy manner until you realize women are people too, not animals to be broken.
We’re all Alphas, Betas, and Omegas at many different things. Christ is the Alpha and Omega. Truth is you don't need to be an Alpha. You're not a dog. You're a human being. You don't need to establish dominance like a wolf. What you need to do is find somebody willing to pursue your happiness alongside their own and you need to be willing to do the same for them. If you're not ready to do that, you're not ready to have a healthy relationship. Everything is also a two way street in the relationship. There’s always a give and take and push and pull to it. Both of you will want to change things about each other. That’s natural. Both will change throughout time as well. One just has to make sure that they are willing to change for the better.
In order to have a healthy relationship, you have to be a healthy human being first. A healthy human being doesn't use sexual strategy like the Red Pill. You'll only ever be healthy if both parties refuse to play that stupid game. Drop the Red Pill and the Blue Pill and be a Christian.
Christianity emphasizes placing the needs of others above our own. This is totally counter to the red pill ideology.
Christianity is clear that a husband should be the head of his household and the primary decision maker of his family. It’s also clear that the woman has a major role as well in the family. The Russians have a saying: The man is the head while the woman is the neck. I find that to be the truth. Both have to work together in unison to be a good body and work.
I'm not married and haven't been as of yet but as a Christian, I am to place my wife's needs ahead of my own. I will be trying to do what's best for my wife and she'll be doing the same for me if we are both pursuing the Christian walk.
The Red Pill emphasizes much of their time defending Game and defending stupid sexual strategy theories to try and “help” their followers get on top by coming up with tactics that will make them more romantically and sexually successful with. Most of the goals are to get women and have sex. These folks mostly go against the idea of marriage and encourage being polygamous instead of monogamous.
Christianity encourages and believes in marriage which goes against Red Pill's anti-christian concepts.
The game defenses are most if not all structured – their aims, motivations, methods all anti-Christian.
There’s ample evidence to show that even though some Red Pill will claim the “not all of us” argument (which who knows there could be a random select few out there that are decent) mostly it is full of nihilistic women-hating predators. One need only read Reddit and other forums to see this is mostly the case.
Most if not all of what I find is a vapid, thin layer of traditional marriage and family comments over a swamp of "I want a woman who looks like a stripper who puts out and does dishes for me" (and occasionally, on the other side there’s women with "I have low self-esteem and wish my husband would hit me more.")
I personally detest how these folks talk about women. Women can be mean as men but they do deserve to be treated like human beings. They aren’t objects. Those men who feel that way about them aren't worth the time of day. To those men, she wants to be treated like a human being as you hopefully do. The very fact these men think it's acceptable to attack women and their feelings says a lot about them and adds to another reason this should be avoided like the plague.
The Red Pill is garbage. Mostly it’s verbal/emotional manipulation and abuse as a means of controlling another person. It is inappropriate no matter what rules or label you try to put on it. These folks have fallen victim to a woman haters club. It's a defense mechanism they’ve put up to keep from having to feel and deal with the real issues with themselves at hand.
Much of what they say is that the Red Pill is about betterment but it really isn’t. It's mostly about blaming women for your problems. It encourages dehumanizing women, sometimes subtly, other times blatantly. It promotes rape, it uses faulty science (or cherry picked science) to convince those who may not understand how to read scientific studies that what they're doing is completely fine. One only needs to get some common sense to see that this whole thing is not only antichrist but freaking dangerous. I mean I’ve read it reframe women as rodents in its stupid philosophy on Reddit before and it always dehumanizes women to its members in every description of them. No different than the man hating feminists that most of them claim to hate.
I think it’s safe to say and pardon the French that you shouldn’t justify treating anyone like shit. As much as they love to tout how their ideology is about being this emotionless future man, nearly all their ideas seem to revolve around external validation and general insecurity. The Red Pill’s advice could potentially send someone to prison.
What’s good of their advice about betterment of self is simple common sense stuff like working out, eating right, having more confidence, dressing better, making an effort to talk to strangers even if it comes across as weird or awkward, etc. Those are nice great things actually. However, those things don’t make one Red Pill or not. They are literally things anyone can use and do to better themselves. They’re not exclusive to the Red Pill.
Sexual strategy sucks and is stupid. The solution isn't to get better at it than your significant other is. The solution is agreeing with each other that you're not going to play that game. If a game will always suck for one player, and both players care about one another, they should find a better game to play.
Want a healthy, stable relationship that will be rewarding? Here's the secret. Remember your significant other is just as complex, intelligent, and vulnerable a human being as you are. She has needs just like you do and while she might place different values on her various needs, or express them differently, they're every bit just as important to her as yours are to you. Life is a war but if you want to win in it, you and your significant other need to be on the same side.
You don’t need to break your girlfriend or wife. You need to talk to them. If they're doing something that hurts you, tell them, vocalize it! Not with "I wish you’d quit that” but with "This hurts me when you do that." If they care about you, they'll take action to prevent it from happening again.
To position and strategize to get what you want out of your marriage denies you of your greatest asset: An intelligent human being that cares about you, wants to see you happy above all else, and wants to be happy alongside you. If you don’t have that you need to get to that point or get out of the relationship. Simple as that. Being single isn’t always a bad thing.
Viewing your time being single as a sexless desert is a terrible mindset to have. One should view it as a time to grow and realize who you are as a person. You need to be able to define yourself as an individual before you’re ready for a relationship.
I can understand the problems with feminism and I would reject heavy believers of that like I do the red pill folks, but no relationship works out in a healthy manner until you realize women are people too, not animals to be broken.
We’re all Alphas, Betas, and Omegas at many different things. Christ is the Alpha and Omega. Truth is you don't need to be an Alpha. You're not a dog. You're a human being. You don't need to establish dominance like a wolf. What you need to do is find somebody willing to pursue your happiness alongside their own and you need to be willing to do the same for them. If you're not ready to do that, you're not ready to have a healthy relationship. Everything is also a two way street in the relationship. There’s always a give and take and push and pull to it. Both of you will want to change things about each other. That’s natural. Both will change throughout time as well. One just has to make sure that they are willing to change for the better.
In order to have a healthy relationship, you have to be a healthy human being first. A healthy human being doesn't use sexual strategy like the Red Pill. You'll only ever be healthy if both parties refuse to play that stupid game. Drop the Red Pill and the Blue Pill and be a Christian.
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