Thoughts On Bethel & All Associated With Them
After having been approached and dealing with people about
it, and being asked doctrinal issues about it by others as well as those in my own
personal life over many years regarding the ministry of Bethel Church in Redding, California
and churches associated with it (some of which I have and used to personally
attend), I have debated back and forth over how I would attempt
to address the issues at hand and discuss some of the most serious problems that
I have with the ministries like Bethel, Blue Flame 47, and all others associated
with these ministries. I hope to only be sharing the truth on this and as far
as a rebuke, yes this is somewhat that but at the same time, I believe that you
the reader must be the one to make up in your mind for yourself about whether
or not what I say is true and applies to you and these ministries. If it does
and you feel convicted, run far and leave it behind (I would say run to Eastern
Orthodoxy but that’s my bias coming out. At the very least I wish for us all to
get in line with scripture and the traditions of our fathers of the one true
faith) and run to the one true Christ and the true and historic faith. And as a
disclaimer, if this is a little scatterbrained of a written post I apologize
and hope you can follow along without much of a problem. Lastly, to my friends reading this that do associate with this, I hope we can still maintain our friendship. I believe in sharing the truth and I don't believe I would be a great friend if I was continually allowing a lie to keep happening.
It is not my intention to mock these churches but at the
best I believe those associated with these ministries to be theologically
immature for lack of a better word and at the worst (this will come off strong)
demonic. I’m a firm believer in the gifts of the Holy Spirit by all means but
when experience is emphasized above proper doctrines, the normal Christian
safeguards which protect against the attacks of fallen spirits can be and are
removed/neutralized, and the passiveness and “openness” which characterize new
cults can literally open one up to be used by demons. Writing this I seriously
and honestly pray that God enlightens us and them all to truth and that what
results out of this is meaningful discussion and debate.
“We’re reaching to a
new level…”. “Close your eyes and imagine…” “I’m getting a word of knowledge
right now”. If you’ve heard any of these phrases before in church you have
probably been in or involved with a charismatic church or more specifically
Bethel Church. What you might not know is these phrases are phrases most often
found in false religions like Kabballah, Hinduism, yoga, and other New Age
ideas, philosophies, and religion that are not found in Christianity. I believe
that churches like Bethel do a lot of these things and mix the occult with
Christianity. By doing so, they can appeal to the senses and pull you into
their web. The occult so often do this to manipulate you and make you
susceptible to demonic influences and I have found Bethel to be guilty of the
same. Whether they do this intentionally or unintentionally (I believe it
intentional), I will let you be the judge and discern that but the truth of the
matter is we should not be doing that ever if it is so.
Being charismatic in origin, we see things being taught by Bethel
in their classes called Firestarter where according to their website “…you will
learn to walk in your God-given identity and purpose, and experience the power
to heal, prophesy, and live a victorious life”. The claim is that they will
teach you how to heal people and prophesy and live a victorious life. While the
victorious life is a great one to me personally, one cannot teach one how to use
gifts from God like prophesy nor teach them how to heal people. This is because
Christians do not all get the same gifts. Christians also do not have the
ability to use all the gifts. This is because God does not give us all the same
gifts. Christians were designed like the Trinity to live in community and
communion with one another. Thus, God granted us all different gifts so that we
have to work together as a group to walk in this faith instead of alone, for
the Church aka as the Ekklesia is a group of individuals, not one sole
Romans 12:3-8 and 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 more specifically
make it clear that each Christian is given spiritual gifts according to the
Lord’s choice.
“For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among
you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think
soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. For as we have many
members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we,
being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.
Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us
use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ministry,
let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching; he who exhorts,
in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he
who shows mercy, with cheerfulness” (Romans 12:3-8). “The manifestation of the
Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all for one is given the word of
wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same
Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophesy, to another
discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the
interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things,
distributing to each one individually as He wills” (1 Cor 12:7-11).
A ministry requires functioning together in diversity and
Scripture clearly supports the gifts being given by God, not man. Thus, man may
have the gift of teaching but he cannot teach someone to use a gift they may or
may not possess because God only gives us each certain gifts. One also cannot
cultivate prophesy. Prophesy cannot be taught because it comes from God. We
find this historically shown as well by St. Basil the Great among others that
are Church Fathers saying: “A charism is a gift of the Holy Spirit
given for the benefit of others. But no person possesses all the gifts”.
As far as that gift goes, I want to ask you if you have been given a prophecy
or given a prophecy yourself in these churches or during service if you can
honestly look back and tell us how many of these things did or did not come
true that you or anyone that did, said to you or someone else. If one word is
found wrong then it was and is a false prophecy from a false prophet. If you
are guilty of this yourself you must repent immediately for it is a grave sin
to prophesy falsely. The Lord has a lot to say on that subject and I believe
has a lot of forgiveness for it but nonetheless one should consider this
passage “The prophet that presumes to speak a word in my name, which I have not
commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even
that prophet shall die.” (Deuteronomy 18:20). Something to consider.
Truthfully, I do find Bethel and associated churches to be a
lot like the Corinthians. They rightfully believe that there are gifts of the
Holy Spirit which He still gives us, the Church today. However, like the
Corinthians, they were ignorant of how these gifts given to them were to be
used in service to God. The Corinthians got carried away like Bethel does and
were led into error which Paul had to end up correcting them for, since not all
gifts are from the Holy Spirit (since demons lurk everywhere and create
counterfeits). Religious ecstasy or enthusiasm is not and has never been proof
of spirituality nor proof that it is from God and Bethel has plenty of it.
Scripture is clear there is no such thing as tattoo reading
which Bethel has been found to be notorious for as well. I don’t pretend to
understand why anyone would try this in church except to promote the occult and
as teachers, the ones in charge should know better. This is akin to palm
reading which is of the occult and is forbidden by all means according to the
Scriptures, and all of Christianity historically has rejected this practice as
Among other things taught are the speaking of tongues.
Historically this has always been known as a gift for speaking other known
languages like for example me speaking Spanish when my native tongue is English
and me not knowing one lick of Spanish but speaking it perfectly to a Spanish
speaking speaker without a problem. However, I will leave this up to debate
somewhat as the gift could still be in use by God for all we know. One thing
will be evident however. An interpreter. Scripture is clear that: If
anyone speaks in a tongue, let there be two or at the most three, each in turn,
and let one interpret. But if there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in
church, and let him speak to himself and to God. Let two or three prophets
speak, and let the others judge” (1 Cor. 14:27-29).
Usually during these services one might see the pastor or
speaker touching the individual on the forehead to put an “impartation from the
Spirit” like the video below. The effects are shaking, convulsing, and acting
similar to animals at times screaming and making strange noises. If put on as
an impartation, it is eerily similar to the practice that Hindu priests put onto
their followers; a special Hindu incantation that has the same results as these
churches do. I will go further into this below.
Scripture tells us that “the spirits of the prophets are
subject to the Prophets” and also tells us that “God is not the author of
confusion but of PEACE [a big one there], as in all the churches of the saints”.
It also says to “Let all things be done decently and in order”.
(1 Cor 14:32-35, 40) which clearly doesn’t happen amidst disorder and
All of this “impartation of the Holy Spirit” as Bethel and
associates like to term it, of course has its origins in Hinduism which I shall
now cover as briefly as possible.
Hinduism &
A good book for anyone of the Christian faith I highly
recommend to read is “Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future” by Fr. Seraphim
Rose. In it, Fr. Seraphim Rose discusses in great length and detail having been
a former follower of Hindi that what is going on today in many churches and
will continue (he wrote this in the 70s before his passing) is called prelest –
a term which I will use often here (which means) for false gifts being given by
a demon. This prelest comes from mixing the one and holy faith of Christianity
and tainting it with other religions like Hinduism, New Age religions, etc.
thus being a false faith producing a counterfeit power in people from demons
because when we give to a counterfeit we are getting power from one not of God
(the devil). For most, it becomes all about experience and moving the senses
and regularly (masquerading as God) coming into contact and hosting and
entertaining a demon (which may be masquerading to them unaware and unknowingly
as God).
Before I go deeper into Bethel I think it wise I discuss the
Hindu practices and go into some of this further so that one might better
understand. In Hinduism, there is an eastern mysticism practice where they
worship a “serpent spirit” called the Kundalini. This in Hinduism resembles a
false version of the Holy Spirit and many Hindus attempt to “awaken it” through
meditation and other techniques. They try to elevate this spirit of the devil
to the top of the skull. Sometimes Bethel messages will have this same
technique but more often than not, Bethel employs a New Age technique (I will
delve deeper into) called visualization or use other techniques under the disguise
of Christ to do it. The Guru in Hindi practice of the Kundalini spirit will
often tap you on the head or lay his hands on you to impart the “gift”. The
person will often start to shake, wail, act animalistic, fall backwards, and
etc when this takes place much as Bethel and most Pentacostal and charismatic
churches are also doing in their churches under the guise of Christ and a
pastor. If this sounds like a strong wording it’s because it is to me. We are
not to mix pure Christianity with other religions but many do it anyway (which
I am guilty of as well) and need to repent of it, returning to purity.
Another thing to note is that in Hindi, the Guru invites his
disciples to prove their religion true or false by his or her own experiences.
The student will then receive powers or “siddhis” often and will often find
they can then sometimes: read minds, heal/destroy, produce objects, tell the
future/prophesy, and so on… Bethel often does this too in practice if one
compares the two producing “angel feathers from heaven” and “gold dust” which
are not found in the bible nor Church Tradition as anything other than material
coming from demons to tempt and destroy mankind. I am not one to claim that
these manifestations that happen in Bethel and Co. can’t be really happening.
As a matter of fact, I think it is happening sometimes and it is the result of
prelest. However, for the people in these churches, they don’t question which
spirit is actually giving these gifts and are ignorant (not in the derogatory
sense) of the foreign practices being taught in their churches.
“Don’t believe every spirit. Put them to trial” (1 John 4:1).
Fire Tunnels
In Bethel, there is often a practice called fire tunnels
done which is also found in the Hindi practice but more so this is actually
from the Toronto Blessing event that has been passed down as a practice to
A little out of the context and certainly me making an
eisegesis here on this scripturally, I just want one to consider that the bible
does say “You slaughtered my children and offered them up to idols by causing
them to pass through the fire (Ezekiel 16:21)… Then they made their sons and
their daughters pass through the fire, and practiced divination and
enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD,
provoking Him” (2 Kings 17:17).
And most damning against it “They shall not make their
children pass through fire or witchcraft” (Deut. 18:10).
To me, this all appears to be part of a business plan based
on lying signs and wonders, and parlor tricks you would see in magic shows
truthfully at times.
Against Bethel and
Co.’s Leadership
On Bill Johnson: He willingly associates with a man and
false teacher named Todd Bentley – a divorced man who cheated on his wife and
married the woman he was having the affair with. Rightfully removed from his
role in ministry, Bill Johnson allowed him back into his own ministry letting
Bentley associate with Bethel Church which I find absolutely deplorable
personally. Among others would be Mike Bickle, Rick Joyner, "prophet"
Kris Vallaton, and the heretic (who personally needs a good slam to the face
for even suggesting we can use the Holy Spirit of God as a smoke and using it
as a marijuana reference) John Crowder who “tokes the Holy Spirit”.
In particular, Todd Bentley fails in many categories for a
proper pastor. He should be devoted to ONE wife, be a one-woman man if he
decides to marry (Titus 1:6; 1 Tim 3:2) which he clearly has not. He also gets
“drunk in the Holy Spirit” just like Crowder and others associated and
Scripture says he must be sober and in control; not a drunkard (Titus 1:7-8; 1
Tim 3:2-3). This is not just overindulgence in alcohol but is idiomatic for any
behavior that fuels addictive responses.
A pastor must be self-controlled (Titus 1:8; 1 Tim 3:2). Self-control is
a characterization of every area of a pastor’s life: diet, time, mouth, exercise,
relationships, sex, and money and be upright and devoted to holiness and have
integrity (Titus 1:8). Clearly none of these things apply to Bentley and cannot
apply to Johnson as well when he willingly okays things like this in his
Back to Bill Johnson: He openly discusses and promotes
“opening portals to heaven”. Something that should be heavily noted is that the
Necronomicon in witchcraft elaborates on a ritual aimed at letting demons
through. Johnson claims that we are opening heaven but that isn’t the case
since one cannot find opening portals in the bible and can only find this in
witchcraft and New Age religions instead of Christian practices. Counterfeits
only produce counterfeits unfortunately and new agers produce this all the time
by “opening portals” to let what many New Agers call the Ascended Masters
through. Again prelest seems to be very actively being done here and in other
locations and this is not only wrong but deeply rooted in witchcraft and
This is only further proven by the practice of visualization
that is always being done in these churches. Visualization is a New Age
practice and is found in “The Law of Attraction” actually. In it, you are to
visualize what you desire and take it. Bethel guises this up as God wanting to
give you gifts.
Furthermore, Cold and warm readings are done ALL the time
and practiced by Johnson and others he associates with. This is without a doubt
heretical and a dangerous teaching that the occult do. Here we have a cold
reading being done by Beni Johnson, wife of Bill
How can one watch this and not see that this is not of the occult unless they are just ignorant of the fact that psychics and fortune tellers do this all the time like John Edward, a famous psychic who once had a show called Crossing Over or the likes of Sylvia Browne who frequented Montel William’s old show often, or most recently, the Long Island Medium show?
How can one watch this and not see that this is not of the occult unless they are just ignorant of the fact that psychics and fortune tellers do this all the time like John Edward, a famous psychic who once had a show called Crossing Over or the likes of Sylvia Browne who frequented Montel William’s old show often, or most recently, the Long Island Medium show?
These both run the same show going shotgun style asking
general questions or making general statements, waiting for a response, and
then going from there, usually having a hit or miss technique going on. If each
party hits a warm reading, they go about with general things and say something
like “I’m sensing a motherly/fatherly/brotherly figure” or “The Holy Spirit is
leading me to ask if anyone is feeling depression [or whatever comes to mind]”.
The very fact that there is a miss at all should be clear to anyone that it is
NOT coming from God. God should be clear. NOT a hit and miss. Deuteronomy 18
says 100% or death and we should not take that lightly at all like Bethel and
Co. do.
Magic is the unlawful use of the energies of God in Creation.
What disturbs me most is that former Wiccans I have talked to often matched up what
Bethel does with what they were taught as part of the craft. I have been told to
me that the visualization techniques are not just akin to witchcraft but that it
IS witchcraft. Before every ritual and spell work, Wiccans would sit
cross-legged under a tree and behind their closed eyes visualize themselves
gathering energies by sucking it from the earth and furthermore would visualize
a white light coming down upon them for universal energies at the same time.
This is how they visualize the gathering of energies before any magical work
taking place. They also have candle burning techniques. This to me and some of
the former Wiccans I’ve discussed this with have seemed to show me pretty positively
that Bethel's grave sucking thing is akin to what they would do as a Wiccan
since it was "sucking up energies from the earth" whereas Bethel
soaks in or sucks or absorbs a deceased saint’s gifts. For reasons listed above
about the gifts this is completely and totally false. "Sucking the passed
saint's gifts and glory" up is heresy and blatant witchcraft and not of
the true God. I feel that the evidence is piling up more and more that Satan is
at work in all this and that Bill Johnson and his associated pastors like Kris
Vallaton are all New Age and do intentionally or unintentionally practice a
form of Satanism. Pieces of the puzzles connect way too well and that worries
me because I know plenty involved in these practices. Hell is not worth
pleasing our passions. These churches all use various forms of manipulation and
like to throw around the words “honor” and “respect” when one disagrees with
the pastor or the elders. This is also unbiblical no matter what they say
because no one is above reproach. If you’re reading this know I care about you
and think you should leave these behind no matter what it costs you.
Brief History to
Understand Why, How, and Where Bethel and Co. got it from and Concluding
I decided to include some history as well in this so as to
show where in the world these false doctrines and false things came from and
how it even came to be in a place like Bethel so here goes. Originally, this
can all be partially traced back to a Hindu Swami Vivekananda in 1893 who came
to America and eventually impressed Harvard and many people gathering many
disciples in the Chicago area primarily and also in the West Americas.
Vivekananda was instrumental in getting what are called Vedantic ideas into
some academic areas and making them more popular among academia. This greatly
ended up influencing a Roman Catholic mystic who was very into Gnostic beliefs
and Hinduism named Thomas Merton. Merton would carry some of these ideas into
his own Roman Catholic ministry and ultimately assume that “mystical
experiences” in every religion can be and are probably true. These ideals
became incorporated into Protestantism and modern churchianity going through churches
ever since and promoting a dangerous ecumenism, ultimately with the goal (as
Fr. Seraphim Rose teaches in his book) of a universal religion (which can be
argued is in the book of Revelation) until finally reaching Bethel thanks to
the Toronto Blessing. All of this power and prelest is given through Satan as
the medium in some way, shape, or form. This can all be verified in “Orthodoxy
and the Religion of the Future” for one by Fr. Seraphim Rose of the Russian
Orthodox Church and also with other various folks if one is willing to dive in
and verify these claims for themselves. A pastor Andrew Storm discusses at
length in his videos how this all plays out as well if you would like a visual.
It is most definitely a history we should be aware of.
It does not really surprise me that this is happening and people
are being deceived in the church and allowing false things into the churches.
It’s been happening a ton since the 60s and 70s and will continue to do so
because the Christians have let prelest in and really done nothing to stop it,
rather, just moved more and more towards it, adding Eastern mystical religions
(mostly Hindi ideas) and mixing them in with Christianity so people can
practice forbidden things such as yoga which is not actually just an exercise.
In actuality, it is a practice by the Hindi to establish oneself in a complete
silence, emptying themselves of all thoughts and illusions, discarding and
forgetting everything but one idea: that being that Man’s true self is Divine
and that Man is God and that the rest is silence. Zen does this as well since
you do positions for meditation that can actually be like drugs and make you
decide to explore your mind and go inner. The Beatles were strangely enough
notorious for making this a popular thing and spreading its popularity into
American and British Christianity further. During the 70s Eastern religions got
a lot more native and pervaded the Americas and honestly has created a “new
Like yoga and zen, in prelest, Christians are doing evil,
striving for holy and divine feelings, opening themselves up to being “seized”
by a spirit, seeking spiritual consolations, and ultimately engaging in
pseudo-spiritual states.
I don’t want it to be so and think it unfortunate but I
believe a new deception has come and is coming; a demonic outpouring being
loosed upon mankind. We are gradually coming to an unfortunate time period
where arenas will be opened up for the numerous and striking false miracles and
it will be full of examples of prelest or spiritual deception for the Church
where a person will strive for a high spiritual state or spiritual visions
without having first purified themselves of passions and thus relying on his or
her own judgements instead of the Holy Spirit’s. I find it enormously something
that in the entire history of Western and Eastern Christianity it knows nothing
of any such “ecstatic” experience produced by the Holy Spirit like what is
being described in our time by some churches. This “New Christianity” is
nothing more than shamanistic paganism in a lot of cases letting spirits
possess folks (not necessarily always demonic possession) and producing in them
fruits like physical and psychic disorders (and because it being mediumistic,
is and can be temporal and partial). And thus that brings me to tell you the
If you are involved with these things, I want you to pray,
read the Word of God, study history of Christianity a little bit, and seriously
consider what I am saying. Discern whether what I’m saying is just the words of
a crazy man with too much time on his hands or whether this guy might actually
have a point that you haven’t considered before. I’m more than willing to
discuss or debate these things and I hope the reader knows truly this was and
has been all said out of love and want for us all to be in Christ our Lord and
Savior. God bless and may the Lord have mercy on us all.
Below are videos I am sharing to sadly expose more of the
lies coming from Bethel and Co. See for yourself and decide for yourself. Peace
be unto you all.
If one has the time this one is worth a watch.
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