
Showing posts from 2018

Response to Don K Preston's The Fullness of The Gentiles: Response to IO #1

Recently, Don K Preston wanted me to rebut and refute his article “The Fullness of the Gentiles – Numeric or Relational - #1 A Response To “Israel Only” For the record, I do not accept Israel Only and I never would for any reason. It is just another batch of heresy in the realm of full preterism. While never shall I be Israel Only, Mr. Preston wished me to challenge his article so I accept Don K Preston’s challenge to rebut and refute his article. I will simply do it in the form of correction. Anything he might have correct, I will simply say is correct. Anything incorrect, I’ll offer the correct orthodox position. In this article, IO means Israel Only and FP means Full Preterism.  “An absolutely fundamental tenet of what is known as the IO crowd is when Paul said that at the coming of the Lord “the fullness of the Genti...