My Thoughts on Total Determinism (Divine Determinism) & Free Will in Theology
In theology, total determinism or divine determinism means that everything (macro and micro) is happening as it is and that it could not and would not have happened any other way. "A" always and only ever leads to "B", which always and only ever leads to "C", which leads all the way to "Z". The world is composed of As, B's & C's that couldn't follow any path other than the one that they are following because they are A's, B's, and C's. In total determinism, ALL the parameters are known. When it comes to this involving God and applying it to God, I have to ask how applying this theology to God could be an absolute problem because the truth is that divine determinism is nothing more than another name for fatalism. For Calvinist for example, how does their view not make God the author of sin if God determines EVERYTHING from macro to micro? Does God determine you to sin (hamartia in Greek which...